Friday, December 31, 2010
2010 "Ugly Sweater" Christmas Photo
Also held was our "First Annual Grinch Christmas Exchange" which provided tons of fun and laughter. Extended family members were invited to participate as well. Might I mention that I came down with a serious sinus infection as did two of the five kids. We survived the weekend in a bit of a fog at time. I'm so thankful my kids jumped in and helped with the cooking and hosting activities for the weekend.
It's always my favorite time of the year when they are home and I miss them so much......I know, it's a "Mom" thing.
Posted by Journey at 9:20 AM 1 comments
New Year Resolutions
- Live each day as if it were my last.
- Acknowledge things I am thankful for daily.
- Take time to savor the moments.
- Give and receive extra long hugs from family and friends.
- TELL people how important they are/have been in my life while they can understand.
- Appreciate all that I have and all that I have become.
- Reach out more to friends and relatives for conversations - it only takes a minute.
- Write more short notes.
- Start using my collection of cookbooks.
- Limit myself on the computer.
- Redo blog and post regularly.
- Scan those pictures and start on those Power Points!
- Read one book per week.
- Tackle the family room redecorating project.
- Find and put all those random photos in order and in photo books.
- Clear off the treadmill and actually use it! Losing weight would be a bonus, but more importantly strengthening those back muscles will make life so much easier.
- Develop an exercise program and watch the diet.
- Plan that new garden design while the snow is on the ground.
- Start sorting and simplifying my collections of "things."
- Purge closets and dispose of items I haven't worn in 6 months. Someone else can use them!
- Refinish that chest.
Posted by Journey at 8:56 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
One Amazing Thing
I just finished this book written by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni and found it very interesting. If you had to write your life "story", what would be the highlights, low points, lessons you have learned...about others and about yourself.
Posted by Journey at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 13, 2010
A Quick and Easy Dip Recipe for the Holidays
The first of many holiday gatherings was held today and the recipe given below was a tremendous hit. I doubled the recipe and it turned out great.
Posted by Journey at 10:48 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 12, 2010
Lady Ga Ga has upcoming competition???
Posted by Journey at 8:21 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
This smile makes everything worthwhile!
Posted by Journey at 6:05 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Ah...Silence is Golden!
It's post-election day - and blissfully quiet! I am all about voting and consider it my civic responsibility to participate. Having recently moved to a new state, the selection process this time around was quite challenging. There was no history of the incumbants' records and found it extremely difficult to find "accurate" information on those running. And it, for now, appears to be a new ballgame - at least until the next election!
Ah, I shall NOT miss the endless recorded phone messages that interrupted my daily life for so long! Best wishes, however, to those who have elected and have been elected to face the challenge of making our country stronger and better.
The day was spent cleaning windows, inside and out, and taking down screens. Everything looks so much brighter and cleaner and clearer right now. There is nothing like a "project" to clear the mind, or is that occupy?
Posted by Journey at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
What a difference a day makes!
Posted by Journey at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
"Mushroom Houses"
Posted by Journey at 8:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Paper Mache Giraffes
Posted by Journey at 3:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
An Interesting Windchime..
Posted by Journey at 3:12 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Posted by Journey at 12:43 AM 3 comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
We will always remember!
Posted by Journey at 4:28 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Have you ever thought of what it would be like to live in a lighthouse?
Posted by Journey at 2:37 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
How does my garden grow?
Posted by Journey at 3:30 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Give Me a Call
Posted by Journey at 8:08 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Old Mission Peninsula
Posted by Journey at 9:35 PM 23 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Traverse City
Posted by Journey at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Quirky but Cute!
Posted by Journey at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Their Memory Remains
Posted by Journey at 9:54 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Sunshine makes the world much brighter!!
Posted by Journey at 6:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Now this is a barn!
Posted by Journey at 2:12 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Dale Chihuly Exhibit at Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park
Leonardo da Vinci's Horse
Flowers Blooming Everywhere
More Chihuly Exhibits
A beautiful way to spend a bright, sunny day!!!
Posted by Journey at 3:30 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sunshine and Sweet Tea - Life is Good!!!
And somewhere I have neat pictures - can you believe this is all I can find at the moment? Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this!
And the before is shown below:
Now this is an embarrassing picture - my house is not always this messy. Guess the wine was needed to get up the courage to start taking those messy tiles out??
The hardwood floor was extended into the kitchen area and sanded and stained a much lighter color. Those lovely "purple" counter tops are a thing of the past! Yeah! And the curtains will be replaced at some point in the near future! The new counter tops are coved and much lighter in color with an undermounted sink.
My zany decorations above the cabinet remain - doesn't everyone have a collection ranging from Dad's old tin cars (about 75 years old) - to antique refrigerator jars - to butter molds - to my grandmother's old Brownie camera? Actually I have a closet of Longaberger baskets that someday I plan on putting up there unless I can sell them first!
On to the next project - planting flowers and getting the yard in shape. Sunshine and sweet tea these days - just can't get much better than that!!!
Posted by Journey at 10:23 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Yep, I'm Color Challenged!!
It's the day before the new counter tops arrive - and I've spent the day priming, painting and RE-painting the kitchen walls.
As much as I love color, after I had carefully selected a caramel color to contrast the counter tops, and painstakingly applied, when it dried - it just didn't work! Has anyone else done this? It just dried darker, much darker in fact, that the sample. And what I envisioned as being cozy warm turned out to be NOT SO COZY WARM!
So perhaps after the counter tops are installed, I'll give it another whirl. For now, it's just simple, clean and calm.
But the bright side is that a fresh coat of paint always makes things brighter.
Happy Monday everyone!
Posted by Journey at 10:59 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Dreaming of Spring...
Posted by Journey at 4:12 PM 5 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Big Red - Grand Haven, Michigan
It has been warmer the last three days - snow is melting, ice melting and sun shining upon us. The weather forecast for tonight is typical of winter - 8 to 10 inches predicted. Guess it's to be expected (we are not that far from spring!). These photos were taken a week or so ago at one of my favorite winter spots. There is such beauty in nature!

Posted by Journey at 1:07 PM 29 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Things that Make Me Happy
Posted by Journey at 8:19 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Weather Outside is Frightful...
Posted by Journey at 8:23 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
We're getting there...
Here's a peek at the almost finished project, or this part of the kitchen redo, and I'm very happy with the results. I simply cannot wait to get in there and start dusting, cleaning and getting my home back together. I've decided I'm a much nicer person when things are in their right place!
Posted by Journey at 11:07 AM 4 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
Your opinion ...please.
I need some suggestions!
The old tile in the kitchen floor is gone (thankfully!) and the hardwood floor has been extended from the dining room. I like the look of the natural wood, or the lighter color of the natural wood. The guy was here today and sanded the dining room and kitchen floors - what a difference. So light and airy. We checked they stains they brought and yuck - didn't match, so more are coming tomorrow. The kicker is the kitchen cabinets are darker with a reddish tone to them.
My question is - dare I go with a natural or lighter stain on the floor? Have any of you seen/done this in your kitchens? This isn't something a can of paint and a little time will correct if I do it wrong!
Grrrrrr. decisions, decisions, decisions!
Posted by Journey at 7:17 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I Forgot About the Dust...
We are definitely in the middle of projects......and it does feel good. That being said, I forgot about the dust involved in taking up tile floors (perhaps because I've never done before!) Rooms are rearranged, knick-knacks have been packed and moved to a safe location. Furniture is shoved in the funniest places.
I was setting up a little table last night for computer access and found that I REALLY LIKED this little corner in the living room....feels comfortable and cozy. More thought needs to be given to the rearranging of the living room (more like a great room). Then...this morning the dust became a bit to much (and the noise!) so I moved my little table into the bedroom.............and this feels good too.
So what started out as a simple project (if you can call that simple) feels like more rearranging in other rooms. Am I the only one who has these moments??
I'll be back - as soon as the dust settles a little more.
Posted by Journey at 10:36 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Timing is Everything...
For months we have pondered replacing the kitchen flooring, putting in new countertops and sink in the kitchen and redoing the fireplace in our lower level family room. We've looked at books, leisurely browsed through stores and have taken our time in deciding what we wanted. I'm not sure what happened, or for that matter, how it happened, but in the last four days everything has come together!
The workers were here this morning chipping away the stone on the fireplace. The fireplace guys have arrived and are doing their thing. I received a call yesterday from the flooring company and they will be here Thursday morning. No problem, we'll just move the stove, refrigerator, etc into room???
(Ah, my favorite thing to make - reservations!!!)
(On a nice spring day we could move everything into the garage - but winter and Michigan weather just doesn't bode well for parking vehicles outside!) It will only be 3 or 4 days!
The wonderful news about all of this is that I'll need to temporarily rearrange my living room out of necessity ...and as long as we are moving things around, it's time for a new look. Our furniture is big and heavy and I am unable to move it by myself. Although I am married to the man of my dreams, he just doesn't see the need to move things around -you know, just find a spot and nail it down. This is going to be fun. (And to give "the sweetie" a fair shake, he will do just about anything I ask!)
Wish me luck. Pictures will be coming and I'll be asking for input and suggestions.
Have a great day ladies!!
Posted by Journey at 11:33 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
If your parents are still with you, please take a moment to hug them, hold them, and tell them how much you love them and how important they have been to you. Don't wait - there may come a day when they just don't comprehend. And please say a quiet prayer for those who are facing the loss of life as it was once known.
Posted by Journey at 4:05 PM 4 comments
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!!
Do you make a list of resolutions for the New Year? For me, it's time to get busy exercising, start that "Monday" diet and get back to my regular posts!!
Holidays were filled making memories with the family - it is truly the most wonderful time of year! How I miss miss them when they all leave.
And maybe start thinking about taking down those Christmas decorations...........soon.
Happy New Year!
Posted by Journey at 1:33 PM 2 comments