Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Toys, tops, books and bears...
Posted by Journey at 9:34 PM 2 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas
Posted by Journey at 8:00 PM 8 comments
Saturday, December 5, 2009
In the Meadow We Can Build a Snowman - Winter has arrived!
Posted by Journey at 1:00 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 4, 2009
Holiday Traditions
Traditions are such an integral part of us and the approaching holiday brings out special memories for all of us. Each year, those traditions become more precious to me. As I thumb through magazines looking at beautifully decorated trees, my heart soars...then as I unpack the decorations, sentiments kick in.
Who can resist the ornaments made by our grade schoolers? Am I the only one who has a paper plate angel (made by my 40 year old son when he was in 1st grade) as a tree topper? They just don't make those Dixie paper plates like they used to! Or the pictures glued on paper cups or styrafoam cups?
Yes, my tree is beautiful and one of our holiday traditions is the festive crowning of the paper plate angel - which all kids participate in! And if you look closely, you will find nestled in the tree among the glistening ornaments those homemade ornaments from years gone by. Truth be known, I treasure those more than anything.
And I've found that multiple trees are the perfect answer. One for each room! And this year, we added a new tradition for Grandpa and I. Our 4 yr old grandson and 18 month old granddaughter put up their own trees in our family room...one 6 ft tree and a cluster of five little trees...the first of another new tradition. Just watching them in their excitement will be a moment I will forever cherish. They ran out of steam long before I ran out of ornaments... it was pure delight. Topped by a special showing of "Tinkerbell" - can you think of a better way to spend the day?
I'm curious - what is your decorating style?
Posted by Journey at 1:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Posted by Journey at 8:50 AM 2 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It's a New Look
It took a new look - and this is temporary - to find my "followers" again. Although you could see them in bloggerland, I was not able to do so. Changing the template seemed to solve the problem - wish everything were that easy!
Life just keeps happening and I'm struggling to get back into daily postings. I'm grateful for those of you who continue to stay tuned.
Weather here has been absolutely beautiful this weekend. Ventured out today after a week in bed with the flu - felt so good. My intentions were to accomplish lots - let's just say that didn't happen, but what I did do, I did well!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow!
Posted by Journey at 7:37 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
How Quickly It Changes,,,
Christmas is just around the corner.
Posted by Journey at 11:28 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
Oh NO! Oh NO!
I've lost my followers......a computer issue or two....thought I had it resolved. Now I find that my "followers" list is gone. Is anyone getting my posts??? Please let me know.
Posted by Journey at 3:09 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
And the seasons change...
Have I ever mentioned that fall is my favorite time of year? I'm sure I have...and probably too many times. It's been raining here for days and today brushed away the last of my favored colors of fall. The leaves are still beautiful, just now on the ground!
Do you have a favorite season? I wonder what makes us attracted to certain times of year. Is it childhood memories, work that needs to be done, rewards of that work?
So I guess it's time to focus on the next season - Thanksgiving - when the family gathers to share laughter, love and a wonderful time. And meal too!
Here's to wishing each of you a smooth transition to the next season of our life.
Posted by Journey at 6:39 PM 4 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
Just Remember to Breathe!
Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. Colors are bursting out all over. I love the vibrance of the colors and the briskness of the air. The planters have been retired for the season, mums planted for next year and I sit each morning, while contemplating my day's activities, and look out my kitchen window to beautiful, beautiful colors...and breathe...and know that tomorrow will be a better day.
This picture is a cozy corner in my kitchen - nothing fancy, just a shock of color that makes me smile. The Witches Elbow plate is from T.J. Max - and boasts of on-site repairs. Always a conversation starter!
Here's wishing each of you a beautiful and bountiful fall season!!
Posted by Journey at 11:55 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
Mosaic Monday: Mackinac Island - A Perfect Getaway
Did I mention you have to take the ferry across as there are no vehicles allowed on the island? Yes, everyone who lives there does their shopping, etc. via boat. The ferries do allow visitors to take their bikes on the ferry, or there are bikes available to rent on the island.
My hubby and I rented a bicycle built for 2 (I always thought that was so romantic!) and rode round around the island - it's only an eight mile trip. (Let's just say that was probably the ONLY time he has been totally in charge - I spent the entire time staring at his back!)
Okay, that was an exaggeration!
There are so many beautiful homes, cottages, gardens, specialty shops, Ft. Mackinac, churches, rock formations, scenic views, the infamous Grand Hotel and many, many shops for the tourist - including some of the best home-made fudge around.
Please visit Mary at Little Red House for more lovely mosaics!
Posted by Journey at 1:00 AM 22 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009

take a ride. About an hour or so away, nestled in the country, is this amazing
treasure, a true step back in time, coke in the glass bottle (I STILL think it
tastes better that way), mile high apple pie, the waitresses in old -fashioned
blue uniforms, blue tiles lining the wall and best of all - no rain! A bit
breezy and overcast, but a wonderful day nontheless.
A neat step back in time!!
Posted by Journey at 9:43 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Blue Monday Mosaic
Sorting through pictures for these posts have brought back some wonderful memories...
of places we 've been fortunate enough to visit, wonderful people we've met, and so many
things in life that we take for granted.
I have truly been blessed in so many ways and am a very thankful gal!
Life is too short and we all need to live each day to the fullest and leave nothing unsaid. We never know what tomorrow will bring and a lifetime is a long time to life with regrets.
Check out other Blue Monday posts at Smiling Sally
Mosaic Mondays at Little Red House
Thanks to these lovely ladies for hosting the fun events!!
Posted by Journey at 12:26 AM 26 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
What does this say to you?
This statue is a favorite - it seems like it says so much about life. All these letters forming words, things I need to do, some I've forgotten to do, and lists of things that need
to be done in the near future.
What does it say to you?
Posted by Journey at 12:01 AM 4 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
Sunflowers Make Me Smile
the hollyhock belongs to Quost,
but the sunflower is mine in a way."
Vincent van Gogh (to Theo)
While their distinctive and brilliant appearance makes it easy to see why sunflowers have long held our fascination, when they were first grown in Central and South America, it was more for their usefulness (providing oil and food) than beauty. And perhaps this unique combination of striking beauty and utility is, in part, why sunflowers have appeared as such revered symbols throughout the ages.
It’s said that the natives of the Inca Empire worshipped a giant sunflower, and that Incan priestesses wore large sunflower disks made of gold on their garments. Images of sunflowers were found in the temples of the Andes mountains, and Native American Indians placed bowls of sunflower seeds on the graves of their dead. The Impressionist period of art is famous for its fascination with the sunflower, and this striking flower remains today a commonly photographed and painted icon of uncommon beauty.
The 3rd wedding anniversary flower and the state flower of Kansas, sunflowers turn to follow the sun. Their open faces symbolize the sun itself, conveying warmth and happiness, adoration and longevity.
Posted by Journey at 4:08 AM 6 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Desert Beauty
I'm always fascinated at the beauty that surrounds us and the places we find it without putting forth any effort. These photos were taken in a desert in New Mexico. The desert scenery is amazing.
Posted by Journey at 8:18 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Outdoor Wednesday - Butterfly

At first glance I thought this was just another oddly misplaced leaf - after several glances, I realized it was a butterfly. Nature is amazing!

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is introducing Outdoor Wednesday. Details on participation can be found on her blog.
Posted by Journey at 8:30 AM 10 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Marvelous Giveaway!!
Florida Sue at Luxe Lanai has just reached her 100th follower and is giving away a marvelous bracelet to celebrate accomplishing this milestone. You may enter to win by visiting her blog and leaving a message. Good Luck!
Posted by Journey at 5:40 PM 0 comments
I ran out of room on my Monday Mosaic and this is one of my favorites, so thought I would add it separately. This was a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Yes, I do have a fondness for water related photos!
Posted by Journey at 8:00 AM 3 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Mosaic Monday - Lighthouses
After more than a few computer glitches, I think we are on a roll again! And just in time for Mosaic Monday. To view more beautiful mosaics, visit Mary at Little Red House.
Posted by Journey at 2:55 AM 22 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
We're not all perfect...

We all have those days
when things don't go as planned
And this has been one
Early morning spent setting up a lovely garage sale
to make room for the treasures that are yet to be found.
Signs posted, change ready, coffee made, and now we wait.
Winds pick up
big gusts now - blowing down the signs (unknown to me).
Neighbors come to checks things out, bringing fresh beans and cukes,
putting my signs back up before coming up the lane to visit.
Rain starts - ducks are happy
I don't have to water the new fruit trees and flowers in the field
Nor sweep the driveway as winds have taken care of that.
People continue to stop by and chat
we now have a "coffee clutch" table going.
Being new to the area, it's nice to hear what is going on locally.
Idle chatter, lots of laughs and introductions
and a few good sales along the way.
Rains are coming harder and wind is stronger.
Garage sale will be continued to another day.
The best comment of the day came from a total stranger,
who commented on this flower in the garden, saying,
"Look - it's not perfect, like us, but is beautiful in its own way."
How nice and how true.
Posted by Journey at 2:36 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Use Your imagination...

It's another warm, humid midwest day and what a perfect day for strolling through the amazing flower beds at Shaw Garden. One can get lost for hours just meandering, taking pictures, watching people, relaxing and enjoying those wonderful cooling breezes - when they come.
When I turned the corner and saw this, I immediately reverted to my childhood and
thought of a Dairy Queen Swirl Ice Cream Cone.
Come on, use your imagination...or was it just me?
Or perhaps the heat and wishful thinking!
Posted by Journey at 8:39 AM 8 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
So many blogs - So little time!
As someone recently said, I'm one of "you" now. I log on to check out a few things and a few hours later, I'm still going strong. Please tell me everyone started like this!
Little Red House hosts Mosaic Mondays, The Gypsy's Corner hosts Three or More Tuesdays, and Between Naps on the Porch hosts Tablescape Thursdays. There is an activity or event for every day of the week with so many to choose from. Please share ones you find fun and interesting!
Lori at Family Tree May Contain Nuts has details on a great Poster Print Giveaway! And there are multiple opportunities to enter the contest - it's one you won't want to miss.
Have a great day!!
Posted by Journey at 3:01 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Dragonfly on a Lily Pad
One of the many amazing things about joining the blogging world is that I've begun putting my oh, so many, pictures into a catalogue. In doing so, I realize I must really like Lily Pads since I have so many. What is it about certain things that draw you to them?
Thanks to all who have viewed my mosaics! You have given me the courage to keep on keeping on!
And a special thank you to the ladies who have graciously and freely offered their assistance.
Posted by Journey at 7:16 PM 4 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Mosaic Monday: San Diego
San Diego - total relaxation and not enough time to take it all in. The experience of my first hot air balloon ride - and I would do again in a heartbeat! The ocean is always calling my name. Gaslamp Quarter - neat boutiques, unique resturants, artsy shops, the wharf, boats, ships, and the trolley rides. Balboa Park - with 15 museums and 9 theatres and performing arts centers, Balboa Park is San Diego's cultural heart. The Old Globe Theatre, many museums, and weather to tickle your fancy!
Posted by Journey at 6:35 AM 20 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Support Your Local Growers!
It's Saturday and time to visit and socialize at our local Farmer's Market. Have you ever noticed people carefully selecting their items, the expressions on their faces, the idle chatter about recipes, herbs, ripeness of products, while chatter with vendors and trying to squeeze through isles, filled with strollers and old friends, that are simply not big enough. One vendor has ballons he passes out to the kids to keep them entertained and allow Mom plenty of time to shop. Patience is never short as there are too many things to interest us: homemade pies, jellies, jams, gourmet mushrooms, breads, herbs, and so many goodies. Can you pick up a tomato or peach without giving it a little squeeze?
These markets always make me smile!
Posted by Journey at 1:51 AM 3 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Where Did Friday Go?
Where did the day go? I started off reading blogs, checking out gadgets, sorting through pictures, the domestic stuff, and suddenly the day is gone and my only real accomplishment on the blog is a Flickr badge that contains some pictures for future posts. My head is spinning with ideas - does that count?
I hope everyone has a wonderful, relaxing and peaceful weekend!
Posted by Journey at 4:02 AM 4 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Exploring the Dunes
Aren't these pictures calming - there is just nothing like the water to reach your inner soul. We recently explored the dunes and came upon a lighthouse nearby. It was a perfect day, sun shining, with family, sand under the bare feet, another perfect adventure.
And best of all, I finally figured out how to upload the pictures. A big Thank You for the tutorial!! I feel like I can now spread my wings and soar!
Posted by Journey at 5:47 PM 10 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
It's a Challenge!
I'm learning as I go - and finding out there is sooo much I have yet to learn! Adding pictures seems to be my latest challenge......so many things I want to share....and haven't yet been able to post any. Creating this blog has been frustrating, challenging and rewarding (when I finally figure something out!) I've spent my life working, typing documents and getting things done.
Retirement has provided the opportunity to tackle the "things I want to do someday!". Perhaps a class is in order! How long did it take you to figure things out??
Posted by Journey at 1:59 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Life Happens!
Where does the time go? I've been reading your blogs and yet when it's time to update mine, I seem to be unable to find something worthy of writing. Like you, I'm busy and have much going on....unlike most of you, I am at a loss for words. Bear with me, I'll get the hang of this yet!
We had a wonderful July 4th celebration with family and friends - tossed bags, ate to much, played board games, laughed, roasted marshmallows, set off fireworks (never buy the discounted ones missing a fin!) and had a lovely time. This year it really hit when everyone left just how quiet everything becomes. As much as I love sitting on the deck with a cup of hot tea first thing in the morning and listening to the sounds of the birds and leaves rustling in the trees, I also miss the laughter and joking that comes when families get together. The laughs at too many cooks in the kitchen, the favorite foods, reasons why that particular game was lost, and so forth. How lucky we are to share those times and make those wonderful memories - they sustain us until we are able to gather again!
Someone recently sent me the following and I am sharing with you. I do not know the author...
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.. So love
the people who treat you right.. Forget about the
ones who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
Posted by Journey at 4:52 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A Day With the Grandkids...
What a wonderful day - sharing the joy of the world though the eyes of small children just awakens the soul. Walks in the park, a quick swim, climbing and going down the slide, popsicles outside, hugs, laughter, watching them interact with Papa - life just can't get any better! We even found a toad sitting in a fallen bird's nest - how exciting!
Each time I spend the day with them, I'm exhausted yet feel 20 years younger!! I've decided that grandkids give us a second chance to do it right!
Posted by Journey at 2:58 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
Walking up the lane today, I stopped to smell the lilacs and was reminded of childhood memories at Grandma's House. Sitting on the porch swing with the fragrance of lilacs wafting through the air, swinging back and forth while listening in awe to the stories of my grandparents, fresh baked pies coming out of the oven, the upright piano in the sitting room, the hanky tucked in the waste of the dress, lots of hugs and gentle pats on the head.......those were simplier times and ones I remember with such fondness. What stirs your memories?
Posted by Journey at 8:02 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
How Long Does the Music Play?
Waking up to the sound of music as the alarm went off, I laid there wondering how long the music plays? I've always gotten up, turned the alarm off and started my day. This morning the air was fresh, birds were chirping, the sun was peeking through the branches on the trees, and you could smell spring and freshness in the air, so I decided to stay snuggled under the covers and enjoy...
I can tell you the music plays for at least 30 minutes! There is, after all, a certain amount of enjoyment in seizing the day. Three chapters of a good book to finish, flower beds need to be weeded, make rhubarb crunch, girlie things to do and the blues festival begins tonight.
Maybe another day I can tell you how much longer the music plays!!
Posted by Journey at 10:20 PM 4 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Rain Brings Joy to the Heart
It's a rainy day, best spent with hot tea and good friends (fellow bloggers) quietly turning the pages of wonderful sites. I am always amazed at the ease in which people express themselves...and the talent displayed. The photography is absolutely breathtaking!
One should never wish their life away, but oh, had I started years ago....
Posted by Journey at 4:59 PM 6 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Such a Beautiful Day
Life is amazing, plain and simple. Nothing gained, nothing lost. One day seamlessly flows into another, a slideshow of activities demonstrating your daily life. Weather - not important - it is what is on the inside that counts...isn't that what we are always told? And how do we really feel on the inside looking out? Are we open and share our innermost feelings? Do we hold back in fear of causing harm or anger? Do we just process internally until we are satisfied with our answers? How do those around us really feel? Is it what we think or much different?
What do you do? How do you handle life as it is thrown at you?
Posted by Journey at 2:28 PM 2 comments